Sign and return your replanting permit application ASAP!
Neighbors who want trees replanted: It's time to get your replanting permit applications filled out and signed! This one-page form is your official sign-up to be included in replanting this year. The Replant Minnehaha Trees project will collect the signed permit applications and submit them as a group to the City Forestry department. How to fill out the permit: 1) Download form from this link OR pick up a hard copy application from Ginkgo Coffehouse. 2) Fill in address where stump(s) are located and name and contact info for the property owner. 3) Leave Tree Contractor, St. Paul License Number and contractor's contact info blank for now. We will fill this in for you when we know whether we get the Tree Trust grant! 4) Type of Tree Permit Requested: Check "Planting" and "Other" and write "stump grinding" on the line next to "Other." 5) Location of trees: describe which side of your house the stump(s) are on and number of ...